Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l.
Scatolificio Udinese > GENERAL CONDITIONS

Purchases and orders made by the Clients Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. through this site are governed by the following terms of sale.

To use the e-commerce service provided by Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l., the client must first sign in. The client can register on the website
In order to register he/she must enter his/her personal data, valid email address and password that he/she must keep.  The data entered by the Customer will be processed by Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. in full compliance with the law, as provided for in the Privacy Policy.

You can find the catalog of the products available for purchase at For each product from the catalog we have listed:
a) technical passport of the product and its description.
b) the image accompanying the indicative technical data sheet, where the product is described in a simplified form, and which may differ from the finished product in color, shape and size;
c) the unit price, to which VAT and the CONAI contribution must be added as per law;
Orders made through the website will be considered completed only after an order confirmation has been sent by Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer in their account. The Customer should print and keep the order confirmation for his/her records)
When making an order, the Customer confirms that he has read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and has fully accepted these terms of sale. In the e-mail that confirms the order, the customer will find: order number, type and quantity of requested products, payment information and date of the delivery of goods. In this connection, the Client is always asked to verify the correctness of the entered data, and in case of an error, immediately inform Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. The client can at any time check the status of his orders on their account, to which he may access after the registration. The conditions of the order status are: Waiting for payment by bank transfer, cheque or paypal, Payment accepted, Error in payment, Preparation in progress, waiting for delivery, Canceled, Reimbursed, Delivery in progress, Delivered.
If the customer has not received the order confirmation within two working days from the moment he/she placed the order, please contact Scatolificio Udinese on the following number 0432 84500. In any case Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. reserves the right at its own discretion to refuse orders. In case of non-acceptance of an order, the client cannot claim in any way, for this circumstance, for compensation for contractual or extra-contractual damages, except for the reimbursement of any sums already paid. Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. reserves the right to modify at any time the products included in the catalog and their price. Obviously these changes will not take effect for orders already submitted. Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. constantly updates its online catalog, inserting new products and pointing those that are temporarily unavailable. In any case, if, due to extraordinary circumstances, the availability of a product has ceased immediately after sending the order, Scatolificio Udinese will promptly inform the Customer, via the indicated email address about any kind of unavailability.

Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. will accept the following payment methods.
Pay Pal.
This payment method is managed directly by Paypal according to your regulations. Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. will not know the credit card information used by the customer.
Bank transfer in advance.
In case if customer chooses to pay by bank transfer, the payment must be paid on the same day to the account in the “Banco Popolare”- - Fil. di Codroipo, in the name of Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. and having
IBAN         IT  02  R  05034  63750  000 000 001721
SWIFT      BAPPIT21234
indicating as a causal the distinctive code received in the order confirmation.

Only after the actual accreditation the order confirmation will be sent and the delivery will be made, as indicated in point n. 5 (Shipping).
If after 3 working days from sending the order the payment has not been credited to the current account previously indicated Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. will consider the order canceled.
In case the customer chooses the payment by cash on delivery, the specified amount of the order must be paid directly to the courier upon delivery. Cash on delivery must be made by the non-transferable cashier's check on the name Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. Bank checks will not be accepted. For orders not exceeding 600 euros, mark payment can also be made in cash (the sum paid to the express courier will have to be exact, as there is no possibility of leaving change). In case of the mark payment, the total amount of the order will provide for an increase of 3% (with a minimum of € 2.60) for expenses.

Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. issues a separate invoice for each order confirmation received from the customer, even if it includes several items.
The invoice will indicate the price of each of the ordered goods, VAT applied, the indication of the paid CONAI contribution, the cost of delivery, additional costs associated with the specific forms of payment chosen by the Client.
The account will be issued to the Customer using the personal data that he indicated when registering on the site.
The invoice will be attached to the products and delivered by the courier together with the package.

Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. will ship the products purchased by delivery to one of the express couriers indicated on the site and chosen by the client:
- within 2 working days from the date of sending an e-mail with confirmation of the order in case the cash-on-delivery payment was chosen;
- within 2 working days from the date of the actual receipt of the invoice, in case the payment was chosen by credit card or by bank transfer.
The ordered goods will be delivered to the address specified by the Customer at the time of registration, if the order does not specify a different delivery address.
Scatolificio Udinese srl is not responsible for the time of delivery of couriers.
Delivery is made on working days (from Monday to Friday), except for holidays and pre-holidays without raising to floors.
The goods will be sent in a package prepared directly by Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l.
After receiving the order, the Customer must ensure that the number of delivered packages corresponds to the number indicated on D.D.T., and that the package is not damaged.
In case of delivery of less quantity of goods than indicated in D.D.T., or if they are wet or damaged, the customer must sign a reservation receipt, challenging these circumstances in writing on the same receipt, giving notice to Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. through the "Contact" page at the following address
In the case that there is no correspondence between the order and delivery, the customer must not accept the goods, must raise the complaint directly to the carrier and report the incident through the "Contact" page at the following address
If despite everything, the courier refuses to have signed with reserve, the customer must reject the goods.
This procedure is the only solution that allows Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. the immediate management of complaint procedures with the courier and that allows you to return quickly the goods received in an unsuitable manner.
We remind you that if the Customer fails to follow the specified procedures and signs a receipt for acceptance, he cannot object later to any external characteristics of the received goods.

Regarding any defects of products purchased through the website, the provisions of the Civil Code will apply to articles 1490-1495, without prejudice to the applicability in favor of Clients of natural persons, the most favorable regulation introduced by Legislative Decree 206/2005 to articles 128-135.
A customer who intends to request the replacement of defective products must send such products, together with all their parts, together with the purchase invoice, order details and description of the defect to Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. with the headquarters of Basiliano (UD) - A. Malignani str., 46 - CAP 33031.
Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. reserves the right to verify the actual existence of complaints and to make a replacement / reprint only after the verification.
Return shipping costs are charged to the customer.
In case if the anomaly reported does not exist, Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. reserves the right not to replace the existing goods.
The costs of returning products are the responsibility of Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. only in case if the products are actually spoiled. For any clarification or any complaint, Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. can be contacted via the "Contact" page at the following address

In no event Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. cannot be held liable for delay, neglect or inability to deliver the goods through the fault of the courier service, as well as in connection with force majeure circumstances.

The Customer, a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to the activity or profession that may be carried out (Consumer), which makes purchases through the e-commerce service of the website may use the right of withdrawal pursuant due to the articles 52-59 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 and subsequent amendments. In particular, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without any penalty and without specifying the reason within 14 days from receipt of the purchased products. The withdrawal must be made by the Consumer by sending a written message sent (within the aforementioned deadline under penalty of forfeiture to SCATOLIFICIO UDINESE S.R.L. - MALIGNANI str., 46 - 33031 BASILIANO (UD) by the registered mail with confirmation of receipt, using the recall type model mentioned in the annex A) or by any other declaration of a decision to withdraw from the contract. The proof of delivery will be a stamp about the delivery of the letter at the post office. The message can be sent within the same time by telegram, telex, email and fax, provided that within 48 hours it is confirmed by sending a registered letter with confirmation of receipt.
If the Consumer intends to use the right of return of goods after receiving the goods from the courier, he will have to provide at his risk and his expenses to return any purchased products received, intact and unused, complete with original packaging, by sending by courier to SCATOLIFICIO UDINESE S.R.L. -  MALIGNANI str., 46 - 33031 BASILIANO (UD) - within 14 days from the date in which he communicated that he wanted to avail himself of the right of withdrawal. In any case, damaged, used products will not be accepted by Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l.
If the Consumer activates the right of withdrawal, Scatolificio Udinese s.r.l. will provide within 14 days from the date on which the Consumer received notice of withdrawal to reimburse all payments made with the exception of the redelivery costs of the goods, as well as any additional costs associated with the fact that the consumer used a type of delivery different from the less expensive type offered by Scatolificio Udine s.r.l. The return will be made in the same way that the consumer used at the initial transaction, unless otherwise specified.

The purchase contracts made on the website are considered to be concluded in Italy and are governed by Italian law and are subject to Italian jurisdiction.
Any disputes concerning the validity or execution of contracts concluded through this site and the interpretation of these conditions of sale, that may arise between Scatolificio Udine s.r.l. and a customer with a VAT number will be assigned exclusively to the competent Court of Udine.
Any disputes concerning the validity or execution of contracts concluded through this site and the interpretation of these conditions of sale that might arise between Scatolificio Udine s.r.l. and an individual customer will be transferred to the competent Court identified pursuant to art. 63 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 and its subsequent amendments.
Form for the Exercise of the Right of Withdrawal

POR FESR 2014 2020